300 Ben Fairless Drive
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
Primary Contact: Greg Fleck email
ph 215-736-2030 fax 215-736-2652
271 Hafner Road
Royersford, PA 19468
Primary Contact: Ed Pennypacker Email
ph 610-948-7867 fax 610-948-6757
Butyl Gaskets for watertight joints, Protective Coatings, Decorative Paints, Leak Repair Materials, FIber Vibrators and More
2424 W State blvd
Fort Wayne, IN 46808
Primary Contact: Chris Barr Email
ph 260-615-4613
Pipe-to-manhole connectord, pipe gaskets, butyl sealant, hole formers, lift systems
250 Elm Street
P.O. Box 301
Milford, NH 03055
Primary Contact: Simon Burke Email
ph 603-673-8680/ 800-626-2180 fax 603-673-7271
Pipe to Manhole Connectors, Pipe Gaskets, Sealants, Joint Repair Seals, Coring Machinery, Core Drills, Pipe Repair Products, Manhole/Pipe Liners, Vacuum Products, Fiber